Supporting your publishing journey with fiction proofreading services
Publishing is hard. Give yourself the best chance possible by ensuring every word is edited and proofread. My fiction proofreading services help your words shine.
Why you should work with me
Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading courses
Proofreading 1: Introduction (2021)
Proofreading 2: Headway (2022)
Attention to detail
Realistic turnaround times
Time management
Which fiction proofreading services are right for you?
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Novel Proofreading Services
Fantasy Proofreading
Fantasy novels often have invented words, nouns, and names to contend with. A magic system can contain all kinds of magyck words too.
All those invented words need to be spelled and used consistently. Equally, the real words need to be spelled correctly.
A style sheet compiled by yourself or an editor is essential for proofreading fantasy.
Romance Proofreading
Proofreading your romance novel will ensure that your words are free from typos, misspellings, and punctuation mistakes.
You won’t have to worry about a reader spotting you’ve described the heroine as biutiful instead of beautiful.
Or worse, your hero yarning for their love (unless they’re really into knitting).
Erotica Proofreading
Erotica novels can often be perceived as lower-quality. Most people won’t mind whether you use euphemisms for genitals like gigglestick, flower, or lady-garden.
It can even make your writing more memorable.
But making sure they’re used in the right context and spelling is important. (It’s orgasm – not organism)

Working on an LGBTQ+ novel?
Short Fiction Proofreading Services
Short Story Proofreading
A short story is usually 500–7500 words long.
Whether you’re submitting short stories to competitions and literary magazines or compiling them into your own anthology, a short story proofreading service can help tweak any minor errors that might hold you back from being shortlisted.
Novelette Proofreading
A novelette is usually 7500–17500 words long.
Novelettes are short enough to submit to literary magazines and competitions but long enough to be published as standalone fiction online. A novelette proofreading service helps you check for errors before you submit or publish.
Novella Proofreading
A novella is usually 17500–40000 words long.
Novellas are the shortest form of published fiction, often used to add development to a character or setting alongside the main series. A novella proofreading service ensures the quality fans expect from your latest publication.
Working on flash fiction or a collection?
Author Proofreading Services
Agent Query Proofreading
An agent query pack, also known as an agent submission pack, is what you send to a literary agent when looking for representation.
The query pack proofreading service checks the first 10 000 words of your novel, your synopsis, and any cover letters.
Giving a good first impression to literary agents is essential to your publishing journey.
Website Proofreading
Maintaining an author website helps potential readers find out more about you and your book.
Websites can be put together in a rush and added to over time. This makes them more susceptible to consistency errors and broken links.
If you want readers to have an easy time navigating and understanding your website, proofreading identifies possible problems.
Anthology Proofreading
Anthologies are compiled by an author, publishing house, or charity to contain many stories along the same theme.
No matter how the stories are edited, proofreading checks formatting consistency of the anthology – like headings and author bios.
A proofreader picks up mistakes but allows stylistic individuality instead of style inconsistency.
Need fiction proofreading services for anything else?
Looking for an editor?
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