UK Proofreading Services
for writers and businesses
Ensuring accuracy, consistency, and quality for every word you write
708,000 words proofread and counting
You want every word to be used accurately, in the right place, and spelled correctly no matter its context.
You need consistency across every section, page, post, and layout, including spelling and layout.
You desire to show quality in every word you publish to demonstrate your skill and value.

Who I am
I’m H, a freelance proofreader based in Hampshire providing UK proofreading services.
As a neurodivergent, LGBTQ+ writer, I know words can have a greater impact on people than we might expect.
Ensuring accuracy, consistency, and quality in content means I can help clients maximise positive effects and minimise negative impressions those words can give.
I’m an Intermediate Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading.
UK proofreading services
I offer UK proofreading services for writers and businesses alike.
I work with all kinds of written text, including:

I work online with digital content, using Microsoft Word Track Changes or Adobe Acrobat DC commenting tools to mark up the changes necessary for your project.
I can work with any of the formats below:
Who I work with
I work with clients based across the UK, from self-published writers and independent publishers to local businesses and bloggers.
My proofreading services help you showcase your work and help you manage your time effectively no matter what you’re working on – delivering accuracy, consistency, and quality.
You can find more about what I proofread in my service pages. Or send an enquiry and we can see how I can help you.