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Writing prompts for romance stories set in spring

Spring is a season of blooming flowers and blossoming romance. These writing prompts for romance stories are all themed around the spring season.

Many romance stories use spring motifs, especially when it comes to flowers, so why not take inspiration from that? You could start your story in spring, set it entirely in spring, or have spring as the backdrop to falling in love.

Any acknowledgement or credit for using any of my writing prompts is always appreciated, whether it’s linking to my website from yours or a social media shoutout.

Writing prompts for a spring romance

You can take just one prompt or combine any of the following for one story! Every prompt is entirely up to your interpretation.

You’ll find prompts for characters, words, settings, tropes, plotlines, and something sensory below.

Characters: A magician. A sibling. A lost person.

Words: Tulips. Spring. Gone. Balloons. Hike. Garden.

Settings: An oak tree. A country house. A burnt kitchen.

Tropes: Lady in a Power Suit. “Kiss the Cook” Apron. Outgrowing the Childish Name.


  • A character is convinced that they must marry someone who looks like an old photograph.
  • The sense of being followed drives a wedge between a couple.
  • They were childhood sweethearts, now they’re colleagues.
  • Lost in a fire, found in a pool.
  • They cut their hair to please the wrong person.
  • The smell of them lingers: old books, citrus, and their favourite flower.

Sensory: Leaf.

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