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Vampire romance writing prompts

Romancing vampires has been a staple of paranormal fiction, from Carmilla to Twilight. These vampire romance writing prompts are set to get your blood pumping to write a fresh take on the genre.

Looking for more inspiration? Just take a look at any of the top books in the paranormal romance sub-genre!

Any acknowledgement or credit for using any of my prompts is always appreciated, whether it’s linking to my website from yours or a social media shoutout.

22 vampire romance writing prompts

You can take just one prompt or combine any of the following for one story! Every prompt is entirely up to your interpretation.

You’ll find prompts for characters, words, settings, tropes, plotlines, and something sensory below.

Characters: A bookshop owner. A pianist. A former romantic.

Words: Bond. Reluctant. Petals. Wine. Snatch. Thorny.

Settings: Manor. Library. Garden.

Tropes: Vein-o-vision. Femme Fatalons. Hemo Erotic.


  • An old wardrobe inspires a historical fashion parade.
  • They lunge from the shadows to rescue their love.
  • There is no eternal love. Only an eternity of falling in love, again and again.
  • The dressing gown is too loose to cover their tempting neck.
  • They have a clear aesthetic more befitting a cottage than here.
  • A candlelit dinner sparks panic.

Sensory: Hooting.

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