Do you need some ideas for your NaNoWriMo project? Whether you’ve already got an idea and want some extra ideas, or you want to prepare for writing exercises to warm-up each day, these NaNoWriMo creative writing prompts can help you this November.
Each November, National Novel Writing Month takes place with thousands of writers striving to write 50,000 words. For some people, this is to make headway or start on a novel manuscript, but for others they try to write multiple stories.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, especially if this is your first introduction to NaNoWriMo. Writing prompts can help you find something to write about even when you’re struggling for ideas or motivation.
The following prompts can be used for any genre, so have fun and good luck!
Any acknowledgement or credit for using any of my prompts is always appreciated, whether it’s linking to my website from yours or a social media shoutout.
2024 update: I wrote this before safeguarding issues with NaNoWriMo were highlighted, and since they’ve declared that not supporting AI is ableist and classist. I encourage writers to discover alternatives to NaNoWriMo, and you can find some NaNoWriMo alternatives here.

Creative writing prompts to use for NaNoWriMo
You can take just one prompt or combine any of the following for one story! Every prompt is entirely up to your interpretation.
You’ll find prompts for characters, words, settings, tropes, plotlines, and something sensory below.
Characters: An artist. A child. An encouraging friend.
Words: Hour. Sunshine. Magnitude. Banish. Tiger. Spiteful.
Settings: A shop. During a new moon. A cave.
Tropes: Affection-Hating Kid. Evil Twin. Grail in the Garbage.
- An adventure involves a flawed plan and a rusty blade.
- What if the kindly greengrocer is actually a dryad?
- Two lovers of opposing types: the sun and the moon, the earth and the sea, the shadow and the light.
- Their neighbour is watching them.
- When a notebook goes missing, the mystery spirals out of control.
- During a ceremony, one person dies and another person starts a new life.
Sensory: Mint.