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Gay romance writing prompts for your next novel

The romance genre is overflowing with stories, but gay romance is still just taking off. If you need ideas for short fiction or a novel, these gay romance writing prompts are for you.

I’ve kept all but two prompts gender-neutral, but any prompt could be changed to be for a particular couple. You could use them for MM romance, sapphic fiction, or include non-binary characters as part of your gay romance cast.

Any acknowledgement or credit for using any of my prompts is always appreciated, whether it’s linking to my website from yours or a social media shoutout.

22 gay romance writing prompts

You can take just one prompt or combine any of the following for one story! Every prompt is entirely up to your interpretation.

You’ll find prompts for characters, words, settings, tropes, plotlines, and something sensory below.

Characters: A baker. A sports enthusiast. A dancer.

Words: Magazine. Teddy. Cuddle. Unity. Matching. Heels.

Settings: Parade. Bar. Attic.

Tropes: Ambiguous Gender. Pink is Erotic. Late Coming Out.


  • Two lovers compete to out-romance the other.
  • Mistaken for a couple, two friends begin giving their relationship serious thought.
  • Instead of rose petals, a character finds a path of strawberries leading them to the bedroom.
  • A first date is interrupted by another couple’s proposal.
  • He gifts him a personalised candle.
  • She misses her old teammate.

Sensory: Incense.

1 thought on “Gay romance writing prompts for your next novel”

  1. Pingback: Writing prompts for short stories and other fiction | H Noss Proofreads

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